Future Roadmap


As the semester is coming near an end and we have almost finished our prototype testing, we have promising news and can't wait for what the future holds for Hydrologic! Since the testing is still ongoing, the results and findings are not finalized yet so they will be part of a future blog post. A little sneak peek, the initial results were astoundingly positive for our prototypes, so stay tuned!

To better understand the future road maps for hydrologic, I recommend reading about our history in an earlier blog post if you haven't already! After the testing wraps up for this semester, we will communicate our findings with our existing partners(University Housing, etc.) about the efficacy of our novel low-flow showerhead. We will also consider the feedback from the testing surveys into our reiteration process for our shower head prototypes to further enhance the experience our products will provide. 

One of our main goals in the future is to implement our showerheads into our university's facilities including University Housing and recreational facilities like the ARC. If this is successful, it could mean that tens and hundreds of bathrooms are equipped with our low-flow showerhead and would thousands of tons of water every year! But our vision doesn't just stop at the University; we aim to introduce our showerheads into commercial apartments with our competitive economic and environmental advantages. Ultimately, we hope to establish ourselves as a product that could be purchased and used anywhere around the globe.

Another challenge we seek to tackle on the road to establishing a global market is establishing partnerships and strategies to mass produce our prototypes. This is crucial to making our products widely available and affordable to the general public. Meanwhile, we are still working hard to refine the product through research and development to make sure that the product we bring to the homes of many will deliver an unparalleled experience!

We are super excited about the future of Hydrologic and we appreciate your support every step of the way there. It's going to be a long journey ahead of us but it will definitely be impactful and beneficial once we reach there! 

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