Our Lovely Staff

Junior majoring in Systems Engineering and Design and minoring in T&M at UIUC, Luke is an aspiring Product Development Engineer and is passionate about designing and creating products that will have long-lasting impacts

Luke Darr

Project Manager

Sophomore majoring in Finance and Information Systems and minoring in Environmental Economics and Law, Isabel is passionate about agricultural sustainability and businesses that create value

Isabel Lee

Operations Liaison

Senior studying Finance and Information Systems, Ziyan is passionate about utilizing his interest in social media and creating content for Hydrologic

Ziyan Chen

Media Team Liaison

Graduate student studying Technology Management with a concentration in Business Data Analytics at UIUC, Aditya is a CAD enthusiast and has a passion for working on projects related to sustainability

Aditya Dewasthale

Technical Project Fellow

Junior in Industrial Engineering and minoring in T&M at UIUC, Justin is passionate about creating and implementing sustainable solutions

Justin Holding

Project Associate

ActGreen Team

 "Our mission is to increase undergraduate business students' understanding of the connection between their business area of interest and environmental sustainability. We create educational programming and workshops to empower the next generation of global business leaders"

Senior in Finance at UIUC, Angelica is passionate about utilizing her interest in intersection of business ad sustainability to make a tangible impact on water conservation on campus

Angelica Liu 

ActGreen  Project Manager

Junior studying Operations Management and minoring in Earth, Society, and Environmental Sustainability, Mariana is passionate about helping businesses become more sustainable about their core without sacrificing effectiveness

Mariana Atuesta

Sophomore in Economics and Political Science, this is Lochan's first semester with Hydrologic and ActGreen. On campus, she is also involved with Illini Bhangra, UniVeg, and Econ club

Lochan Rathod

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