Our Journey


So far we have:

So what are we up to now:

Collected almost 300 market research surveys 

Continue testing our prototype concept with University Housing

Won $10,000 grant from the Student Sustainability Committee at UIUC 

Establish new testing partnerships with potential clients

Established partnerships with University Housing at UIUC 

Improve our current design with feedback from testing results

Future Roadmap


As the semester is coming near an end and we have almost finished our prototype testing, we have promising news and can't wait for what the future holds for Hydrologic! Since the testing is still ongoing, the results and findings are not finalized yet so they will be part of a future blog post. A little sneak peek, the initial...

Hey guys! My name is Andy and I'm a junior studying Computer Science at UIUC and also a Project Associate(PA) on Hydrologic this semester(FA 21). Today I wanted to demystify the work that PAs do and talk about some typical workstreams we have been working on!

Enactus is a 501(c)3 social entrepreneurship organization out of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The organization focuses on the development of projects which address social issues present in the local Champaign-Urbana community. The Enactus project portfolio is home to many impactful projects that exist to serve the community, and...

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